Portrait of Allison Pieja, a person with long brown hair wearing a dark blue top, smiling.

Take advantage of scientific data or technical assistance from Berkeley Lab to help solve a technology or product development challenge.

We partner with industry to help advance technologies for commercialization or deployment.

The Strategic Partnerships Office (SPO) brings together interested collaborators and Lab researchers to foster strategic alliances that pave the way to science and technology discoveries.

Two smiling researchers in white lab coats working at a lab bench. Auburn haired person with brown eyes wearing a necklace, earrings, and a black top.

Cyclotron Road, an entrepreneurial fellowship program at Lawrence Berkeley National Lab (Berkeley Lab), recently hit a significant milestone. Less than 18 months after surpassing $1 billion, the companies led by Cyclotron Road entrepreneurial fellows past and present have now exceeded $3 billion in total follow-on funding. Companies have secured this new funding from private and public sources to accelerate the scaling of new technologies across sectors including industrial biotechnology, energy, computing, and heavy metal therapeutics.

Scientist holding a petri dish.

Philanthropy is integral to bringing science solutions to the world. The Berkeley Lab Foundation is the bridge between our research and donors wishing to realize not only what is possible, but what is necessary for a sustainable future.