Person in a black suit and glasses standing cross-armed in front of buildings. Nikki Humphreys, a person with short dark hair wearing a red top and white blazer, photographed indoors. Michael Smitasin, a person with short dark hair wearing glasses and a gray shirt, photographed indoors. Lindsay Nakaki, a person with long dark hair wearing a green blouse, photographed outdoors.

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Marca Doeff, a person with bob-length silver hair wearing a burnt orange jacket over a black and red striped top and a matching necklace, smiling for a portrait.
  • Director’s Award
  • 2024

Marca Doeff, a scientist, leader, and mentor, has made outstanding contributions to the battery field, electrochemical society, and supporting the next generation of scientists during her decades of service at the Lab.

Julia Correa, a person with long brown hair wearing a brown blazer over a maroon sweater, smiling for a portrait.
  • Director’s Award
  • 2024

Julia Correa is recognized for developing intelligent seismic monitoring arrays for energy-related projects. Her research focuses on fiber-optics sensing and permanent surface orbital vibrators (SOV) that can optimize energy production.

Gao Liu, a person with short black hear wearing a navy blazer, smiling for a portrait.
  • Director’s Award
  • 2024

Gao Liu is recognized for his groundbreaking research and outstanding records of inventions in multifunctional materials for energy storage technologies, in addition to his mentorship and collaborations with industry stakeholders and scientific partners.