In the 20th century, the development of computers and networks have allowed researchers to process and analyze massive data sets, validate theories with computer models, and use networks to pool expertise and resources to achieve breakthroughs. Berkeley Lab researchers continue to advance and apply novel approaches in computational science and networking to accelerate scientific discovery.

Jonathan Carter, a light haired person wearing a blue collared shirt, poses for a headshot outdoors.

Advanced computing technologies

Investigating novel computer architectures, computer languages, systems software, performance analysis, algorithms, and data management for next-generation high-performance and edge computing.

Beyond Moore’s Law / frontiers of computing

Inventing energy-efficient electronics, materials, systems, devices, manufacturing systems, and architectures to continue exponential technology scaling of digital electronics performance and energy efficiency in response to the tapering of Moore’s Law.

Superfacility / self-driving labs

Automate, integrate, and steer experimental and observational instruments using computing facilities where incoming data is analyzed, archived, and curated.

Data science

Transforming data-driven discovery and understanding by developing and applying novel data science methods, technologies, and infrastructures with scientific partners.

Software enabling science

Developing sustainable software packages for modeling and simulation, computer science, and data science to enable scientific discovery.

Quantum computing

Fabricating and testing quantum-based devices, developing software and algorithms, building a prototype computer and network, and applying these innovations to scientific research.

Modeling and simulation

Delivering innovative, effective multiscale modeling and simulation solutions in a variety of scientific areas.

Decorative panels on the exterior of the computer cabinets for the Perlmutter NERSC-9.

NERSC provides computational and data resources and expertise to scientists performing open-science research.

World map with interconnecting lines.

ESnet performs research and provides high-bandwidth network connections to meet the exceptional data demands of DOE science.

CAMERA scientific figure.

CAMERA is an integrated, cross-disciplinary center that aims to invent, develop, and deliver the fundamental new mathematics required to capitalize on experimental investigations at scientific facilities.

Close-up view of a microchip.

A collaborative research laboratory and open-access testbed to advance quantum computing based on superconducting circuits.

Lavanya Ramakrishnan, a person with medium-length black hair wearing a pale pink collared shirt, photographed indoors against a gray backdrop.

Lavanya Ramakrishnan is a senior scientist and division deputy in the Scientific Data Division within the Computing Sciences Area. Her research interests are in building software tools for computational and data-intensive science with a focus on workflow, resource, and data management.

Marcus Noack, a person with short brown hair wearing a purple shirt against a white, digital background with mathematical formulas and symbols floating around.

Marcus Noack is a research scientist in the Applied Mathematics and Computational Research Division focusing on mathematical theory and algorithms for uncertainty quantification and autonomous experimentation. He developed gpCAM, a software widely used in applications across many experimental facilities around the globe.

Katie Klymko, a person with long brown hair pulled back into a braided ponytail, wearing a gray shirt. Katie is photographed indoors against a gray backdrop.

Katie Klymko is a staff member in NERSC's Advanced Technologies Group working to integrate HPC and quantum computing. Her previous work focused on the development of efficient methods for eigenvalue calculations in molecular systems as well as quantum computing algorithms to explore thermodynamic properties.

Group of three people excavating for an ESNet upgrade. Person with dark hair and a pink turban stands in front of a blue building.

The Energy Sciences Network (ESnet) announced that it has supercharged the current and future bandwidth for four of the Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) national laboratories and user facilities, unleashing 400 Gigabit per second (400G) capability for Argonne National Laboratory, National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.

In our very first episode, we discuss machine learning (ML). First developed about 80 years ago, ML is a type of artificial intelligence centered on programs — called algorithms — that can teach themselves different ways of processing data after they are trained on sample data sets.


A researcher adjusts a detector deep underground at the Sanford Underground Research Facility A small brown wooden model of a house sits on cracked concrete A human-perspective of a large warehouse holding a soil box seismic activity system. A digital image of server racks forming a tunnel, with glowing lines and dots resembling data flow emerging from a central light source. Charlie Koven conducting fieldwork outdoors. Photo of gloved handed adjusting a quantum fridge with gloved hands and instruments.